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Configuring Financial Questionnaire

To help financial advisors with collecting client information, LeadCenter presents a solution in the form of a Financial Questionnaire. This questionnaire is designed to save both your and your client’s time. It allows your clients to fill out the information at their own pace, taking as much time as they need. Once they submit the form with complete information, you can take time to better understand their financial needs and create a plan that best suits their unique requirements.

Let’s see how this works:

Access the financial questionnaire

  1. Log into your LeadCenter.AI account.
  2. Click on the Pipeline dropdown in the left navigation panel and select any of the mentioned options.
  3. On the Leads page, click on any Lead ID to open lead details.
  4. Click on the Financial Questionnaire in the left side pane.
  5. Copy the Financial Questionnaire link from the right side pain and send it to your lead. Note: The system generates a unique link to the questionnaire for each lead.
  6. When a prospect clicks on the link, the financial questionnaire will open in a new tab.

Let’s see what this questionnaire entails:


The financial questionnaire is a multi-layered form with sections containing specific questions regarding your lead’s personal and financial details. You’ll find these sections listed in the left-side pane. You can move to any section by clicking on it and filling out the details as you go.

Let’s explore these sections:


This section contains information regarding the terms, conditions, and privacy policy. This is a disclaimer for you to understand the scope of information sharing and make an informed decision based on that.

Contact Information

This section contains different fields to fill in contact information. You can provide your contact details to enhance reachability. This information contains your first and last name, phone number, date of birth, etc.

Please note that the fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory to fill in.


This section collects details regarding your family members. It helps your financial advisor to create a plan based on your family situation. For example, if you have a dependent family member.

Legal Items

You’ll see Yes/No questions in this section about the legal documents you have.

Additional Items

The additional items here refer to various legal documents or certificates that you might need to notify your financial advisor about.

Cash Flow

Use this section to submit your income and expenses information. This is to give a clear idea to your financial advisor about whether your monthly income is sufficient for your expenses.

Life Events

This section contains questions regarding life changes you may experience. This allows your advisor to tailor a plan that specifically caters to these changes and their financial impact. There’s a list of events and you can check all the boxes that apply.


Here you submit information regarding your net worth. This will include any and all accounts you’re currently holding and the properties you possess.

Additional Information

Use this section to enter details like your income goal after retirement and your beneficiaries, etc.


As the name suggests, you can check boxes for your top three concerns in this section. This helps your financial advisor create a plan to manage these concerns.


Use this section to address your financial priorities. The scoring system allows you to select a number between 1 and 9 to clearly communicate your top priorities.


This section enables you to define your financial goals and the risk factors you want to steer clear of.

Review & Submit

This is the last step in submitting your questionnaire. You can move to other sections and edit your answers accordingly.

  • Click on the Submit Financial Questionnaire button at the bottom to proceed.
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