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Creating SMS Templates

An SMS template is used to define and compose text which is very useful and reusable when creating an SMS for your customers.

LeadCenter.AI SMS template page consists of the ShortCodes section on the right side. These shortcodes are variables used for default lead details, custom fields, and appointments.

Creating an SMS Template

To create an SMS template, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Setup Workflows > SMS Templates
  2. Click on Add New button to create a new email template.

    Creating SMS Templates Figure 34

  3. Enter the following details on the Create SMS Template page
    • Template Name: Enter the name of the SMS template.
    • Message: Enter the message for the SMS template. You can copy and paste the required shortcodes while creating the SMS body.

      Creating SMS Templates Figure 35

  4. Click on Create SMS Template to create the new SMS template.

Editing an SMS Template

To edit an SMS template, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Setup Workflows > SMS Templates
  2. Choose the SMS template to be edited and click on the Actions drop-down and select Edit

    Creating SMS Templates Figure 36

  3. Edit the SMS template and click on Update Sms Template

    Creating SMS Templates Figure 37

    You have successfully updated your SMS template.

Deleting an SMS Template

To delete an SMS template, do the following;

  1. On the LeadCenter.AI, go to Setup Workflows > SMS Templates
  2. Choose the SMS template to be edited and click on the Actions drop-down and select Delete

    Creating SMS Templates Figure 38

    A pop-up will be displayedAre you sure to delete the selected email template
  3. Click Yes, delete it to delete the SMS template.

    Creating SMS Templates Figure 39

You have successfully deleted the SMS template.

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