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Events Report

LeadCenter brings you Events Report so that you can view events-related consolidated data and make decisions based on real-time updates. This report consists of graphs, charts, and metrics to display the efficiency of your business operations and steer you toward making smart choices.

Access the Events Report

Follow the steps given below to access the All Production report:

  1. Log into your LeadCenter account.
  2. Click on Reports in the left navigation panel.
  3. Navigate to Marketing Reports and select Events Report.
  4. That’s all!

Dashboard components

Upon accessing this report, you’ll see three tabs on the left side. Each tab provides a different kind of report. These tabs are:

  • Events Overview
  • Attendees
  • Expenditure

Common components

The common components of each tab include:

  • Filters (on top)
  • Metrics

Note: The Spend Amount metric is the same in all three tabs while the other metrics vary.


You’ll see the filters on top of the screen. You can click on the required filter dropdown to specify your search.

Event Name

Use this dropdown to select a specific event by name.

Event Type

This dropdown shows the event types. For example, workshops or seminars.

Event Status

Use this dropdown to see the status of an event. For example, canceled, scheduled, or completed.

Is Virtual?

Click on this dropdown to see if it was a virtual event.

Event Address

Use this dropdown to view event statistics based on a specific address.

Location Name

Use this dropdown to specify your search by location.


You’ll see a tile for the Spend Amount metric in both Events Overview and Expenditure tab. Other metrics are specific to each tab.

Events Overview tab

You can switch between tabs to see the components specific to each tab.

Let’s see the components of the Events Overview report:


This tab has various metrics to provide you with a glance into the event turnout. These metrics are:

  • Events: The total number of events.
  • Total Registrants: The total number of people who registered to attend.
  • Attended: The total number of people who attended the event.
  • No Show: The number of people who didn’t attend.
  • Requested Appointment: The number of people who attended and requested a first appointment.
  • Open Leads: The number of people in the consideration/negotiations stage.
  • Lost Leads: The number of people who are disengaged.
  • Won Leads: The number of people who converted to active clients.

Bar graphs

You’ll see different event statistics displayed in bar graphs. Let’s take a look at these graphs:

Event Expenditure Timeline

This graph shows the total amount spent on an event and its breakdown by month or year.

Events Timeline

This graph shows how many events you organized per month or year.

Events by Type Timeline

This graph displays the event type regarding the month or year it was organized. The event type is color-coded for easy interpretation.

Attendees Timeline

This graph displays the people who registered to attend an event. You can see different attendee statuses such as confirmed, canceled, and attended. These statuses are color-coded for better understanding.

List of Events

By the end of this report, you’ll see the List of Events. it is a tabular representation of all event-related details. You can see these columns here:

  • Event Name: The name of the event.
  • Event Type: The type of the event. For example, a workshop.
  • Event Status: The status of the event. For example, scheduled.
  • Start Date: The start date of the event.
  • Is Virtual?: If the event is a live stream or happening in person.
  • Total Cost: The total cost of the event.
  • Attended: The number of people who attended. 
  • Confirmed Attendees: The number of people who confirmed attendance.
  • Tentative Attendees: The people who may or may not attend.
  • Registered Attendees: The number of people who registered to attend.
  • Total Attendees: The total number of attendees.
  • Cancelled By Attendees: The number of people who cancelled.
  • Cancelled By Us Attendees: The number of people who didn’t attend because the event got cancelled by organizers.
  • Open Leads: The number of people considered as potential leads.
  • Lost Leads: The disengaged or disqualified leads.
  • Won Leads: The number of leads converted to active clients.
  • Organizers: The number of organizers for an event.


Switch to this tab and you’ll find the total number of attendees. This report provides an extensive view of all attendees based on the status of their attendance, the sources they’re coming from, and the stage of their buyer’s journey.


The metrics you see here are:

  • Events: The total number of events.
  • Attendees: The total number of attendees.

Bar graphs

You’ll find three bar graphs in this report.

Attendees by Status

This graph shows how many people are confirmed to attend and how many are still deciding.

Lead Source

You can see where your leads are generated from. It provides you with a holistic view of digital and traditional channels and helps you direct your marketing efforts accordingly.

Lead Stage

This is where you can see the stage of your lead’s journey. For example, they book a first appointment with you.

List of Attendees

After the graphs, you’ll see the tabular representation of the list of attendees. You’ll find information in different columns:

  • Event Name: The name of the event.
  • Event Type: The type of the event. For example, a workshop.
  • Event Status: The status of the event. For example, scheduled.
  • Event Date: The start date of the event.
  • Attendee Registration Date: The date when the attendee registered to attend.
  • Name: The name of the attendee.
  • Email: The email address of the attendee.
  • Phone: The phone number of the attendee.
  • Event Registration Status: The attendance status of the attendee. For example, confirmed or tentative.
  • Lead Source: The channel where the leads are generated from.
  • Lead Stage: The stage of a lead’s journey.
  • Client Status: Whether this lead is an existing client.
  • Estimated Total Assets: The estimated value of the lead’s assets.
  • Estimated Investable Assets: The estimated value of the lead’s investable assets.


Switch to this tab and you’ll find the total cost of the required event. This dashboard displays the total amount spent and provides a comprehensive view of event-related expenditures.


You’ll find these metrics here:

  • Events: The total number of events.
  • Spend Amount: The total amount spent on all events.

List of Expenditures

You’ll find the tabular representation of the list of expenditures in this report. The different columns showcase the following information:

  • Event Name: The name of the event.
  • Event Date: The start date of the event.
  • Event Type: The type of the event. For example, a workshop.
  • Event Status: The status of the event. For example, scheduled.
  • Is Virtual?: If the event is a live stream or happening in person.
  • Location Name: The name of the venue where the event is held.
  • Event Address: The complete address of the event location.
  • Spend Date: The date when the event payment was made.
  • Spend Name: The name of the expense. For example, money spent on food and drinks.
  • Spend Notes: The notes, if any, regarding the payment.
  • Spend Amount: The amount spent on a particular expenditure.

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