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Appointment Performance Reports - All Appointments with New Prospects

LeadCenter is purpose-built for financial advisors. The platform provides advanced reporting and analytics for you to better understand the sales and marketing operations of your organization, identify roadblocks, and promote operational efficiency. To ensure proficiency, you can utilize one of our dynamic reports called Appointment Performance Reports - All Appointments with New Prospects.

Access Appointment Performance Reports - All Appointments with New Prospects

To access this report, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your LeadCenter.AI account.
  2. Click on Reports in the left navigation panel.
  3. In the Appointment Performance Reports section, click on All Appointments with New Prospects.
  4. You’ll see the dashboard:


This report consists of different components such as filters, metrics, and tables. The components here help you access the statistics regarding all your appointments with prospects.


You’ll see different filters on top with drop-down menus to choose from. You can select as many filters as required.

The filters that you can use to narrow down your search are:

Lead Source

This filter shows where the leads are coming from. For example, YouTube, Facebook, Email marketing, etc.

Lead Stage

Click on the drop-down menu to see all the stages of a lead’s journey. For example, Won, Lost, Qualified, Disengaged, etc. You’ll also see the number of leads in each stage.

Lead State

Use this filter to select the state your lead is in. Selecting Open will show leads that are currently processing while selecting Closed will reveal leads that have been converted or lost.

Lead Owner

Click on the drop-down menu to select and see the lead’s owner. For example, if you select your name, you’ll see the leads that you brought.


Use this filter to search by financial advisors in your firm.

Meeting Status

This filter enables you to see the meeting status. For example, you can select the confirmed meetings, the no-shows, cancelled, and completed.

Meeting Category

Click on the drop-down menu to see the category of the meeting. For example, the first meeting.


After filters, you’ll see the metrics in the middle of the screen. Each metric is represented with a dedicated tile.

Here’s a brief description of each of these metrics:

  • Appointments: The total number of scheduled appointments.
  • Kept: The number of appointments for which prospects showed up.
  • Cancelled: The number of scheduled appointments which were cancelled.
  • No Show: The scheduled meeting for which the client didn’t show up.

Tabular representation of all appointments by advisor

After metrics, you’ll see a table displaying the history of all appointments scheduled and kept, grouped by advisors. You’ll find out which of your advisors are converting prospects into clients and after how many appointments.

List of Appointments

By the end of this report, you’ll see the tabular representation of the list of appointments. This table consolidates all the appointment-related information and provides a holistic view.

Let’s see the columns in this table:

  • Client Name: The name of the client.
  • Advisor: The name of the advisor taking point on the account.
  • Lead Stage: The stage of your lead’s journey.
  • Meeting Date: The date when the meeting was scheduled for. 
  • Meeting Status: The status of the meeting. For example, confirmed, completed, or cancelled.
  • Cancelled Date: The date when the meeting was cancelled.
  • Cancellation Reason: The reason for cancelling the meeting.
  • Lead State: The open state means that the lead is still in the processing stage while the closed state means that the lead is coveted or lost.
  • Meeting Category: The category of the meeting. For example, first meeting, first appointment kept, etc.
  • Lead Source: The channels where your leads are originating from.

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